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March 9, 2024

Three provinces issue provincial nominations this week

This week three provinces—British ColumbiaOntario, and Saskatchewan—issued invitations to apply (ITA) for permanent residence (PR) under their respective immigration streams.

Candidates were invited under a combination of demographic and labour market streams, with differing criteria for each. In addition, different Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) utilise varying scoring systems, which result in great variance between cut-off scores for candidates from different provinces.

PNP Results March 2nd – March 8th


On March 7th the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued 2,104 invitations to healthcare professionals under the Human Capital Priorities stream. Candidates needed a CRS score between 352 and 421 to be invited.

To be invited, candidates needed professional experience under any of the following healthcare professions.

The Human Capital Priorities stream is an Express Entry aligned (or enhanced PNP) stream meaning that candidates within the Express Entry pool may be invited through this pathway. To be eligible candidates must have:

  • a valid Express Entry profile;
  • at least one year of full-time work experience;
  • a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD degree; and
  • Language proficiency of at least Canadian Language Benchmark(CLB) or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien (NCLC) level 7 (for English or French respectively).
British Columbia (B.C.)

On March 5th B.C. held both targeted and general draws under the BCPNP, resulting in at least 156 total ITAs.

The province held general draws under five of its different streams, resulting in 54 ITAs. Candidates in the Skilled Worker, Skilled Worker-Express Entry British Columbia (EEBC) option, International Graduate, and International Graduate EEBC option needed a minimum score of 126 to receive invitations. Meanwhile candidates under the Entry Level and Semi-Skilled stream needed a score of 99.

The province also held targeted draws under the Skilled Worker International Graduate (includes EEBC option) stream. These draws targeted candidates with experience in professions that are in-demand within B.C.’s labour market. These were:

  • Childcare—inviting 32 candidates with a minimum score of 70;
  • Construction—inviting 30 candidates with a minimum score of 80;
  • Healthcare—inviting 39 candidates with a minimum score of 70; and
  • Veterinary care—inviting less than 5 candidates with a minimum score of 70.

On March 7th the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) held draws under two of its streams. This was the first SINP draw in more than two months, since December 27th, 2023.

Under the Occupations In-Demand stream, 14 candidates with professional experience in targeted occupations, and a minimum score of 89, were invited.

Under the Express Entry stream, 21 candidates with a minimum score of 89 were invited.

Both streams required candidates to have an education credential assessment (ECA) or be educated in Canada. Under both, candidates needed professional experience in the following professions (given as National Occupation Codes (NOC)).

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